
Global Operations is a stand alone, team based, first person shooter
based on a significantly modified version of the LithTech 2.5 engine,.
Although it is being developed as a multiplayer experience for up to 24
players, there will also be a single player game with AI controlled
teammates and opponents.
Barking Dog Studios are developing Global Operations for Crave Entertainment.
Missions and Teams The teams consist of real world special
forces, peacekeepers, terrorists, rebel groups, and guerilla forces.
Levels have various objectives that are appropriate to the map location
and each level has a pre-defined time limit. The missions are loosely
based on real life events that take place in various international
locations such as Peru, Sri Lanka, and the SkiiNaaz Tunnel. Each of the
28 elite fighting forces in the game are based on the actual combatants
in the real world location being portrayed.
Global Operations allows the player to choose between seven player
specialties: Reconnaissance, Commando, Medic, Heavy Weapons, Sniper,
Demolitions, and Intelligence Officer. Although all specialties will be
well trained soldiers, each will have certain unique skills and
abilities as well as having unique weaponry from which to choose.
However; this does not mean each player specialty cannot use all of the
weapons in the game. For example, if a player chooses to play as a
heavy weapons specialist and his primary weapon runs out of ammo, he
can use any found weapon even if it falls outside of his specialization
(although possibly at a lower level of skill).
Weapons and equipment
Global Operations features 32 weapons:
- 8 handguns
- 4 shotguns
- 6 sub-machine guns
- 6 assault rifles
- 4 machine guns
- 4 sniper rifles
There will also be additional equipment:
- Armor
- Night Vision
- Thermal Vision
- Medical Kits
- Knife
- Remote C4
- Timed C4
Every weapon has been modeled after digital images of real guns.
Firing, loading and cocking sounds are based on the recordings of
actual weapons. The ballistics system is very complex, taking into
account material density, hardness, wall thickness, bullet caliber,
player movement based accuracy, specialty based accuracy, armor and per
polygon hit location. A sophisticated decal system is used to represent
entrance and exit wounds as well as material specific bullet marks on
the environment.
Troop Transport Devices
When players die in Global Operations, they are re-inserted into the
game via a Troop Transport Device (TTD). This will most often take the
form of a military transport vehicle such as an APC or a Helicopter.
The TTD will have a travel period (which will vary map to map) during
which players may get weapons, communicate with each other and get an
idea of what is currently happening in the map. Once the vehicle has
arrived at the team start point it will open up and players can join
the game as a group.
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